Thursday, 12 July 2012

Problems with horses' teeth can cause...

I asked our horse dentist, Wayne Dale of Dale Equine Dental Care whether a horse's teeth can have anything to do with excessive shaking of the head. I learned that head-shaking in horses as well as many other consequences may be because of dental disease.
Should your horse or pony do the following you might have to call the horse dentist to have a look at your horse's teeth:
Ulcerations on the inside of the horse's mouth

  • Head shaking and facial pain;
  • Difficulty eating food (mastication);
  • Reluctance to eat;
  • Oral ulceration;
  • Weight loss;
  • Choke, colic or diarrhea;
  • Bitting difficulties;
  • When performance is affected

You can check out our equine dentist,Wayne Dale's website, for more info.  

Friday, 13 April 2012

My pony's teeth

In order for JJ to feel comfortable with a bit in his mouth and to perform well he needs his teeth checked by a horse dentist at least twice a year.  Ponies don't actually need fillings like humans. They sometimes need a tooth extracted and the sharp edges smoothed away a little.

Horses and ponies' teeth grow all the time and can develop sharp edges around the sides.  This makes it very uncomfortable for them when they have a bit in their mouths.  The bit actually pulls the inside of their cheeks onto the sharp edges of the teeth.  This hurts and can cause ulceration or cuts on the inside of the pony's mouth.

Below our equine dental technician (horse dentist) is checking a patient's teeth.
 This was a rather LARGE patient, so the dentist had to climb on the stable wall to reach into his mouth.

The silver instrument in the horses' mouth is called a speculum.  This actually keeps its mouth open in order for the dentist to work on the teeth far back in the horse's mouth.  Below is a photo of what the speculum looks like, and how it fits into the horse's mouth.
In this photo above one can also see how far back a horse's teeth go into the mouth.  The dentist therefore needs long tools to reach those teeth at the back.  Here are some of the tools used to care for horses' teeth.
Our equine dental technician's website is

Sunday, 26 February 2012

KEP show at GHS

Well done JJ!  We made it through our second graded show.  We jumped 70cm.  Both classes clear rounds.  Yeah!  Watch this space.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Riding put on ice

I haven't ridden JJ for a couple of months because of horse sickness and then the December holidays. I started working him again from the beginning of January. So nice to be back in the saddle, or it WAS anyway.
 I had a little accident and can't ride for a week.  Bummer!!!  Six stitches, and in the shape of a horse shoe nogal.    I can't even say I got these stitches via a riding accident - ice skating is to blame.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Farewell 2011

Meet Henry.  I met this little, cheeky barrel of a horse in Buffels Bay when we were on holiday.  He is 18 months old and obligingly aloud us to touch and hug him.
Henry is lying on top of his owner,  munching grass.  Cuddles all round.  A real cutie pie.
I am still trying to hold onto the holidays.  Not sure whether I am ready for 2012.  I suppose the end of something always means the beginning of something new and exciting. Happy 2012!